Continuing from the previous blog post, here are the other three types of alimony in New Jersey. Unlike open durational alimony, these three kinds of alimony are more limited in duration. However, they may still constitute a large financial amount depending on the exact circumstances surrounding the two parties. Here are the final three forms of alimony available in New Jersey and the circumstances in which a New Jersey judge may find them appropriate:
Limited Duration Alimony.
A limited duration alimony is meant to provide enough payments for a spouse to attain the standard of living he or she was accustomed to in the marriage. Unlike open durational alimony, a limited duration alimony will end at a predetermined date set by the judge. Before the alimony laws in New Jersey were overhauled in 2014, limited duration alimony was typically appropriate for marriages that lasted an “intermediate length,” approximately 10 to 15 years. For marriages lasting longer than that period, judges would usually find permanent alimony more appropriate. Under the new alimony guidelines, limited duration alimony will usually be appropriate in marriages lasting less than 20 years. For marriages lasting 20 years or longer, a judge is most likely to award an open durational alimony.
Rehabilitative Alimony
Rehabilitative Alimony is most commonly used for shorter marriages, lasting less than 10 or 15 years. As the name suggests, this type of spousal support is short-term in nature and seeks to accomplish a narrow goal. Whereas limited duration alimony is meant to provide for a spouse for the period of time necessary to attain the same standard of living enjoyed during the marriage, rehabilitative alimony merely seeks to make the spouse self-sufficient. Generally, this means that a lower-income spouse will only receive enough financial support to learn a trade or skill. A New Jersey judge may award enough rehabilitative alimony to cover training, education, and living expenses during this time period.
Reimbursement Alimony
Reimbursement alimony is meant to compensate a former spouse for investments they made in the marriage. Reimbursement alimony is commonly appropriate in situations in which one spouse paid for the partner’s education or career advancement. New Jersey law recognizes that the spouse made this financial contribution with the expectation that he or she would receive some of the financial benefits. Because the marriage is now dissolving, this “investment” in the spouse is unlikely to “pay off.” The contributing spouse is generally able to receive reimbursement for tuition, fees, and living expenses paid during the marriage. Importantly, this type of alimony can be awarded along with any of the other three types of alimony available in New Jersey.
To learn more about New Jersey’s alimony laws, contact a New Jersey family law or divorce attorney today.
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