Receiving an inheritance can be a blessing, but there are typically tax obligations involved including the inheritance of an IRA. If you inherit an IRA, you should check with an attorney or financial advisor as soon as possible to find out what your options are. IRAs are personal savings plans that allow you to set […]
What is Parental Kidnapping?
Earlier this month a Florida mother accused of kidnapping her child was captured by officials. In this very unfortunate turn of events, we examine the topic of parental kidnapping and the implications it could have on your divorce. Unfortunately many family court conflicts result in a game of “tug-of-war” over children. Formal agreements are signed […]
Dividing Property Fairly
Eventually couples who split arrive at the day when finances and property must be divided fairly. Marital property is composed of much more than the cash sitting in a savings account or the equity in a home. When the time comes to divide marital property, there are unexpected but valuable items that need to be […]
Tips to keep summer with your kids fun and conflict free!
Sunshine, swimming pools, and trips to the beach often mean summer break is here. No school, new routines, and families adjusting to longer days and later morning. Summer break also means that vacation season is upon us. Make sure your summer break is fun in the sun by being prepared to handle summer vacations. Avoid […]
Financial Planning for College
This time of year graduation celebrations are at the top of mind for many families. It is also time to address the financial responsibility of your graduate’s higher education. As costs rise, it is common for custodial parents to ask for financial help from noncustodial parents to help their students pay for college expenses. States […]
Contributing to Your Grandchildren’s Future
When estate planning, gifting assets to your grandchildren can do more than help your descendants get a good start in life; it can also reduce the size of your estate and the tax that will be due upon your death.
4 Important & Practical Divorce Tips for Men
Never leave your marital home. If you want a good position in obtaining a fair custody arrangement and reduce financial burdens, do not move out of your home. This is one of the mistakes and can start you at a disadvantage. Day-to-day care of children is one of the most influential factors when it comes […]
Preparing for Divorce Litigation
Making the decision to divorce is a difficult choice. You need to be sure you have considered how the divorce will affect you and your family in the short term and long term. Taking as much time as is available to consider the affects will benefit you and your family during the separation. Throughout the […]
Contract To Sell a Home Doesn’t Void Intent To Return
According to an appeal before a New York court, a Medicaid applicant who signed an intent to return home but later on sold his/her property (home) is honored to have the property eliminated from his/her available resources for the period and before the property was under been contract. Inglese v. Shah (N.Y. Sup. Ct., App. Div., […]
Child Custody: What is the Best Interest of the Child
The New Jersey courts believe that the best child custody orders are those which are created by the agreement of parents who are divorcing or separating, because they know better than anyone else ever could what will work best for their family. That said, there are situations in which parents have a hard time working […]