New Jersey Lawmakers Push for Answers Regarding Senior Covid Deaths It is no secret that many states could have handled the COVID-19 crisis better, especially when it came to elderly people in nursing homes. New Jersey is among many states that saw many seniors lose their lives due to the pandemic, and some say that […]
Questions to Ask Your Senior After Moving Them to a Nursing Home
Questions to Ask Your Senior After Moving Them to a Nursing Home Although moving a senior to a nursing home may save you from caring for them on a daily basis, you are still involved in their lives. This means that you can visit them as often as you like while maintaining your relationship in […]
How to Break the News of Divorce to Your Family?
How to Break the News of Divorce to Your Family? Making the decision to divorce your spouse is difficult enough, but telling the rest of your family can seem even more challenging. It is difficult to know where to begin, especially if your family members were under the impression that your marriage was going well. […]
Should I Fire My Divorce Attorney in New Jersey?
Should I Fire My Divorce Attorney in New Jersey? There comes a time when even the most patient spouses become dissatisfied with their legal representation. If you feel like your divorce attorney is not meeting your expectations in New Jersey, you might be wondering whether you should fire them and look for a better option. […]
Can I Invest With My Living Trust?
Can I Invest With My Living Trust? If you have established a living trust (or any other type of trust for that manner), you might be wondering whether you can actually put your money to work rather than simply letting it sit there. Fortunately, you can invest funds in your living trust, allowing your wealth […]
The Burden of Proof in a Divorce
The Burden of Proof in a Divorce When spouses divorce, accusations often fly. Thankfully, these accusations are not (and cannot) be taken at face value. If they were, all kinds of baseless accusations could be made in society without any accountability, and you would have neighbors accusing each other of the most heinous crimes simply […]
Does Substance Abuse Really Affect Custody Battles in New Jersey?
Does Substance Abuse Really Affect Custody Battles in New Jersey? Substance abuse has risen considerably since the beginning of the pandemic, and the number of addicts in the United States is likely now much higher than statistics published in 2019. These statistics showed that almost 20 million American adults were struggling with substance abuse disorder, […]
The Wildest Inheritance Stories You Will Ever Hear
The Wildest Inheritance Stories You Will Ever Hear When most people leave money behind, they do so in an extremely professional and serious manner. After all, passing away is no laughing matter. It is of the utmost importance that your wishes are respected upon your passing, with your family receiving exactly what you set out […]
How is Nursing Home Abuse Concealed?
How is Nursing Home Abuse Concealed? One of the reasons nursing home abuse is so rampant is because it is so easy to conceal. After all, the elderly are often unable to speak up for a number of reasons. If the nursing home itself fails to report certain acts of misconduct and negligence, then […]
What are the Three Conditions to Make a Will Valid?
What are the Three Conditions to Make a Will Valid? If you are writing a will, you need to make sure that this crucial legal document is valid. If not, your beneficiaries could experience all kinds of issues when you pass away. It is one of the many reasons to hire a qualified, experienced estate […]