When you begin thinking about long-term care for yourself or a family member, you might find the options overwhelming. From the level of assistance required to individual personality, you have a lot to consider in arriving at the best choice.
Assisted and Independent Living:
Assisted and independent living communities often look a lot like ordinary apartment complexes. These communities are designed for seniors who need minimal supervised care and usually offer services like laundry, meal programs, and fitness or wellness programs. They also feature transportation and social opportunities. Some assisted living communities provide limited medical assistance but do not have skilled nursing services.
Nursing Homes:
Nursing homes, or skilled nursing facilities, are living options for people who require full-time care, either because of ongoing medical conditions or diminished mental capacity. As the name states, these facilities offer skilled care and provide residents with private or semi-private rooms, meals, and opportunities for communal dining and socializing.
Continuing Care:
Continuing care living generally offers a variety of housing choices, such as apartments or dorm-like residences that grow with the residents. These communities provide care ranging from independent living to skilled nursing, which allows people to stay in the same community as their needs change, rather than relocating and starting over.
In-Home Care:
In-home care involves pairing people with caregivers who come into the home and assist with varying tasks, depending on the needs of the residents. Services can be as simple as grocery shopping and cleaning, or as involved as bathing and dressing. These caregivers often have medical backgrounds but do not provide medical care and will visit the home as often as residents require.
A facility visit is always an excellent way to help you determine if it’s a good fit for you or a loved one.
Call Giro Attorneys at Law, LLP Now
If your family is considering options for long-term care in New Jersey or New York, the expertise of an Elder Law attorney is invaluable. Contact Giro Attorneys at Law, LLP, at (201) 690-1642 today to schedule a consultation to discuss your options.
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